This has been such a long month but I definitely wouldn’t change it! Honeybear is officially one month post op and is finally getting back to herself!! It took a lot longer than I was expecting but I’ll take it. She is off all pain meds as of last week. The only thing we are keeping her on is previcox (an anti-inflammatory) for any joint discomfort she may have. We have also recently learned previcox may also help fight cancer cells. She has only whimpered a couple times this last week from what we are guessing was phantom pains. Other than that she seems to be pain free. Her body went through an adjustment phase but we are thinking that is also getting a lot better. She would grunt when laying down, seem stiff when walking, and have shaky legs upon standing. Some of this had to do with lack of exercise while recovering, side effects from the pain meds, and her body just learning to move differently. The oncologist was saying how her front leg is moving more to the center to compensate for the extra weight and tendons and ligaments are being stretched in this process. Makes sense she would be a little uncomfortable!
Today was her second chemo treatment and her exam and blood work were great! Last week her white blood count was low and she had to be put on antibiotics. They say this is common and not to worry (Ya right me not worry??!!). I could definitely tell because she was a little tired for a couple days but she bounced back pretty quickly. Today they lowered her dose just a little bit and the oncologist assured us that it will not decrease the effectiveness of the treatment. Last time we saw the oncologist Honeybear was still on a lot of pain meds but today she wasn’t and definitely showed them her sweet personality! She is a licker and they found that out 🙂 When we picked her up she was so happy she even tried to sit in the middle with us on the way home!
We decided to take Honeybear to the beach for a couple hours July 4th weekend. Of course we went prepared with lots of water and we even bought her a little tent that we put her cool pad in so she wouldn’t get overheated. She actually hopped quite well in the sand and even got jealous of some kids playing a game of baseball so I had to bring her ball out for a couple short tosses. 🙂
We have looked at many diets and have decided to stick with her Science Diet J/D and supplement with lean meat, green veggies, turmeric, cottage cheese and pumpkin. We, along with the oncologist, feel like this is the best plan for her. Oh ya and an occasional bone to help clean her teeth, which she learned to hold with one paw the other night!! I still think she will need another month and some physical therapy to be at her absolute best given the circumstances but she is doing so well and amazing us every day!! Every time she does something she used to do we jump for joy (literally, sometimes I do!). She started playing with her toys the other day, she is greeting us when we get home, she is outside looking for the lizards, she barks at the UPS truck again, she is laying on her back again (typical Rottie), she is begging for her bone again, she is standing in the truck on rides again, and she is getting on our bed again!! Don’t get worried we just have our mattress on the floor. That is something I don’t think I have addressed yet……..We have been having a giant slumber party in our living room since she came home from her surgery!! We decided it was easier and cheaper to buy enough non slip rugs for just our main living area and keep her to that part of the house. So we have our mattress, 3 dog beds, and rugs and yoga matts everywhere! 🙂
I’m sure we will still have some rough days ahead but we are also going to have many good! Everyday is a blessing. No one knows your future when you are going through cancer treatment but I have strong faith Honeybear has the will to survive and she will get through this stronger in the end! We are so thankful God has put wonderful doctors in Honeybear’s life and pray he will continue to heal her!