I am so sorry to those of you that follow HoneyBear’s blog for taking so long to write an update!! We have been too busy having fun!!! We have been to the beach several times, Canyon Lake and San Antonio. When we are not out and about or working I am researching food and supplements we can add to HoneyBear’s list.
Her last oncology appointment just happened to be on St Patrick’s day so of course she had to go in style…..you can’t really tell in the picture but she is wearing an LED blinking clover necklace. 🙂
Dr Wiley is still very happy with her progress. As I have mentioned before she does have lung mets but they are progressing very slow and not affecting her quality of life. We still have her on the maintenance chemo and her growing list of supplements is honestly too long to type!! I have been speaking with a holistic vet recently and she has added some Chinese herbs to the mix. I am still asking questions and researching homemade diets. HoneyBear eats an excellent quality of food that is grain free and even though it’s for seniors is quite high in protein. High protein and low carb is great for cancer but can take a toll on the kidney’s. We have figured out recently HoneyBear’s high protein diet is making her kidney levels rise a little, nothing too crazy but something to be mindful of. I have been adding non starchy veggies low in phosphorus to her dog food as a filler but it isn’t satisfying for her. My brain is thinking homemade might be the way to go since she is needing a custom diet. I am always learning something new and beneficial for HoneyBear.
Anyways on to the fun! We took a trip to Canyon Lake which was so beautiful and clean! HoneyBear loved the lake, we literally couldn’t keep her out of the water! She wanted to swim and grab rocks with her mouth! This is something she has always done at the river, it’s her thing. 🙂 She swam like a champ!! As I was watching her I had to remind myself “she is missing a front leg and swimming!!” We have also been several times to the beach lately. Last time we went HoneyBear fetched her ball in the water probably 20 times!! She didn’t want to stop! Of course the mom in me was like don’t overdue it but the look of happiness on her sandy face was priceless! Its amazing for a large almost 10 year old dog to be so active but a tripawd dog with lung mets is honestly such a miracle. Don’t get me wrong she has her days where she is slow to get up and get moving but who doesn’t?! 😉 Oh I almost forgot the Blue Angels came to town last weekend so we went by the bay to watch them. I was just posing with HoneyBear for a picture when they came out of no where and gave us an amazing picture!!
It’s probably going to be a little while for another update because we have some more fun planned!!! HoneyBear will be 10 on April 17th so we are taking her on a birthday vacation! Also April 6th will be her 10 month amputation anniversary! And……the Easter Bunny will be at the mall next week taking pictures with pets for pet night which we will definitely be attending! We are truly blessed to be able to spend this time with HoneyBear. I am so grateful everyday for her presence, the doctors that continue to help her, my husband who works hard (so I can spend all his money on HoneyBear :-)), the ability to share her story and raise awareness and of course God’s healing hands without which none of this would be possible.